'Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.' George Eliot
Down in the wilds of the west Cornish peninsular, autumn is a particularly wonderful time of year. Crisp mornings, piercing blue skies and vast expanses of glorious sandy beaches, all to oneself, act as the perfect antidote to the sometimes bustling intensity of summer crowds. Whilst we love the summer months, the long days, the evening beach BBQ's and the warm sand beneath our toes, autumn is the perfect time to take stock, take a breath, stand still, and just breathe in the simple, rugged beauty of this place we call home.
Here at EbbFlow we have been making the most of the gorgeous autumn weather, taking long walks on the beautiful south west coast path, taking our happy hounds back on to the beaches after the summer ban, and enjoying traipsing through the leaves in the glorious fall colours of Tehidy Woods. Our wood burners are lit, our chunky knits and winter boots have been dusted off and our glasses are brimming with mulled cider and red wine.
We're wrapping ourselves in our wonderful Hendra Hammam Towels, perfect for cosying up in by the fire, snuggling into after a sunset surf, or whilst enjoying a sneaky Irish coffee in one of our fine coastal pub gardens.
Autumn....you have, as always, been spectacular.
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